This is to allow organisers to sort out player schedules etc.
If you still want to try to get in, contact the event Tournament organiser and ask if they have a waiting list.
IF there is space on the day, entry will cost $10 more.
Ticket prices are made up from our Convention fee (Listed below), any additional Prize pool for the event (Shown in the event blurbs below), and the ticketing fee.
Convention fees:
Tickets prices have gone up $5.00 for the first time in several years. This is due to our equipment prices rising.
Prize Pool:
This is an additional amount set by the Tournament organiser. 100% of this amount goes towards the game prize pool.
Ticketing fee:
This is an amount set by our ticketing system (Square). It is about 2% of the total.
Ticket Refreshing
If your purchase link is not available, or the ticket booking page does not show a bunch of cool options, such as T-shirts or Polos, hit refresh a few times to get them to load.
If you need to cancel your ticket, contact us at
From the 10th of January onwards, refunds can not be given for the prize pool component of any entry.
All the T-shirts and Polos have been ordered and paid for, so can not be refunded from this time. If you still want your shirt, for $5.00 we can post it to you. (The postage fee will be taken from the refund for the event, or a special payment link can be supplied to cover the cost.)
Please forward the email you received when you entered. It makes the process much simpler.
Tickets are non-transferable.
Canberra Games Society membership
Each ticket also gives you temporary membership to the CGS to attend club meetings till the end of January 2025 (From the date you buy a ticket).
Just bring your ticket email along.
Check out HERE for club meeting details.
T-shirt and Polo Shirt sales
Click here to go to the T-shirt page to buy any shirts. (This is a separate transaction to the tickets due to ticketing system issues.),
ADLG 200ap 15mm open comp.
Please enter early to avoid disappointment as spaces will be extremely limited.
It will be 6 rounds over the 3 days, 2 rounds a day.
Generous sponsors are:
1) Mick Sellman of Micks Metal Models – his email address is & his websites are & (I am charging players a $10 prize support payable to Mick Sellman of Micks Metal Models. He will provide vouchers to the value of double the prize support)
2) Rafa of Wargamers’ Whims website he will supply a terrain set and do a free postage order to me. Players place their orders through Rafa & pay him directly & mention it is for the Australian Cancon group order, they won’t be charged postage. I will bring all items to Cancon 2024 for distribution &
3) Keith Lowman of Wild Grass Designs (a micro business manufacturing static tufts) – his email address is and his website is He is providing 10 or 20 sheets of tufts for free and offering players a 10 discount on his products for players that order before Cancon.
Boards may be provided, tbc.
Dice to be provided and compulsory to use.
Terrain to be provided by the players but we will have some spare if people can’t bring any.
Painted armies, accurately depicting what they represent (no Vikings acting as Romans or example) to be provided by players.
Please let me know if you need to borrow any terrain army.
Any questions, please ask. I am taking a break from organising Cancon after 2025.
Umpires & List Checker tbc.
Playing Conditions
The DBA tournament will be contested over two days with six rounds per day starting at 9.00am and scheduled to finish at approx. 5.00pm. There will be trophies for first, second, third place, and junior champion, based on the combined scores over the 2 days. Additional trophies for the Executioner Award (most elements destroyed in a single game), the Magister Militum (best adjusted score), and the Grand Maurice (best performance at DBA tournaments over the past 12 months).
For each day the same 12 element army will be used in each round. This means that swapping optional elements will not be permitted. The 12 elements may include approved allies appropriate to each list. There will be no dismounting – troops eligible for dismounting must be specified as either mounted or dismounted in your list.Mounted troops eligible to dismount must be specified as either mounted or dismounted at deployment, and the appropriate figures (mounted or foot) must be used.
Rules: DBA v3.0 (including any official amendments released by the author).
Camps must have camp followers (CF) or be garrisoned by one of your army’s 12 elements. If either of these conditions is not met then the camp will be considered undefended.
All figures should be appropriately based, painted and recognisably depict the troops they represent. Figures are to be based for 15mm scale (i.e. 40mm frontage).
Game duration is 1 hour, with the next round commencing at most, 15 minutes after the scheduled finish of the previous round.
Playing area will be 70cm x 70cm mats. Players are to provide their own terrain. Players are strongly encouraged to be creative with terrain building and depiction.
Players can also register for a single day’s play, nominating either the Saturday or Sunday.
You can only enter the DBA competition through the CGS CanCon website, Canberra Games Society (
Email the organiser (DBA, NOT Cancon) by Friday 10 January 2025 with your army lists (detailing the 12 elements to be used) and date (for aggression purposes).
Any queries regarding the DBA tournament should be directed to the organiser: Peter Spitz using
COVID is still around. Please do not attend if you have any symptoms (fever, sore throat, etc) or feel unwell. Social distancing and hand cleansing are encouraged. ACT Health recommends mask wearing indoors and in areas where social distancing is not possible.
This tournament runs for two days at the following times:
DBMM is back for Cancon 2025, so dust off your figures, dice and rules and prepare to do battle.
It is a 400 army point, 15mm scale competition with four games to be conducted over 2 days using DBMM version 2.1 rules.
There will be no night attacks and no games will be considered to be a civil wars Players are to submit one 400 point army list from any of the four DBMM Army List books by email before 10th January 2025.
Army lists can include points designated for stratagems (list must not exceed 400 points) and the player can choose which stratagem (up to the point value designated) will be used for each game before aggression dicing is rolled.
Players are to provide their own terrain.
Army lists and any questions may be submitted to Craig by email to <>.
Limited spare rules, armies and terrain may be available but will need to be requested early.
Players are also welcome to play for a single day if they cannot play for both days. (Contact the Convention organisers at if you need this option.)
Renaissance at War – De Bellis Renationis (DBR) V 2
Welcoming players of the 2025 15mm Australian National DBR Tournament and, depending on competitors from across the Ditch, the South Pacific Championship Shield.
Five or six games over 3 days, Saturday 25 to Monday 27 January 2025. Players who complete all games (including byes) qualify for prizes.
Armies: Players choose an army of 400 AP from any listed in the three WRG army list books. Players may submit up to two lists but each must be the same date and location with the same or no ally. To avoid any misunderstanding or an embarrassing penalty please submit lists to no later than Monday January 20, 2025 All figures must be historically depicted, suitably painted and correctly based.
Terrain: All terrain will be provided by organisers and available as a pool for players to use. You do not need to bring your own terrain.
Note that no Difficult Going (DGo) can be placed within the 300p centre of the battlefield [see also Rules a) below].
Rules: WRG DBR v2 with internationally accepted amendments and guidelines, including:
Details of Tournament Rules and other instructions and guidelines will be emailed to players after registration closes and included with the Players’ Guide issued on day 1. Please contact Phil for information or clarification on tournament rules.
Our chief sponsor is Mick’s Metal Models.
Contacts: Phil Clark 0407704265, (email preferred).
Please direct all non-tournament enquiries to the CANCON organisers.
In the 21st Century Boardgames Competition entrants compete for the title of National Boardgames Champion by playing examples of modern and current euro-style board(or card)games.
Players may participate in any or all of the games on offer, as many times as they like, and with whom they like. There are also other prizes, including: one for the most consistently good player; one for each game, for the best player of each game; one for playing a lot of different games; and one for playing a lot of different people.
For the 2025 competition, all games will be played in three player sessions – not by four as in previous years. The scoring system has been simplified; and the procedure for including games in the competition has also been changed: entrants will be emailed a list of candidate games, whenever it is updated. Initially this list will contain twelve games mostly reflecting what was played in the previous year’s competition. But, each entrant may propose one additional game, by emailing the organiser, and if it is suitable, it will be added to this voting list.
On a date as yet to be determined, each entrant will be given the opportunity to vote for twelve games from the list of candidate games. This vote will determine which games are included in the competition. The vote will probably be taken in December.
To be suitable for the competition – after possibly placing restrictions upon which version(s) of it may be played – a game should:
– be a current example of a euro-style board(or card)game: generally it ought to have been initially released no more than ten years ago. But the organiser is open to arguments that a game still retains its currency and popularity: evidenced by, for example, recent expansions or reprints.
– be readily available: either being in print, or being easily obtained for purchase.
– have a three player option, and be individually, as well as numerically, scored.
– have a good range of player scores, possibly in conjunction with a numeric tie breaker. As needed, a house ruled tie breaker may be adopted to ensure this is so.
SCALE: 25-28mm
DAYS: Sat & Sun
Players to prepare one army list of 250 AP taken from any of the three army list books or the “”Missing Lists””. Copies of the Missing Lists will:
A) be emailed to those requesting same; and/or,
B) be available to collect in hardcopy on the morning of Day 1.
All ARMY LISTS must be by commands as well as total Army AP and ME.
NZ points and split of Arquebus/Shot applies. Some of the international tournament rules apply (not all of them).
All lists to be submitted to LIST CHECKER (Ben): by COB on Friday 17 January, 2025.
TERRAIN: In accordance with the rules for 15mm scale to account for the reduced table size (6 x 4). Some terrain will be provided but bring your own if able.
VICTORY POINTS as per rules
WEATHER rules will be played
DEPLOYMENT rules modified for table size.
Please register interest early by emailing
ONE DAY ENTRY is available though the entry price remains the same.
Please register interest early. Upon registration or email inquiry either Stu or Ben will provide information regarding the terrain, modified deployment, and missing lists (they will all be in one PDF document).
Email with any queries. Ben or Stu will do their best to get back to you as best they can.
AWRG historical wargaming.
All armies will be 25mm figures, 1250 points pool which will nominally represent a small independent division and MUST be historically justified.
The period of armies is 1790 until 1815, there is not a restriction to Western European nationality, but all troops are to be from the stated period.
A copy of rules available for free to participants.
“Advanced Squad Leader is a tactical level World War Two board game.
Played over three to four hours, this game successfully recreates combined arms company level land action from all theatres in this conflict.
The ASL tournament will consist of five rounds played over three days.”
AMG Grand Tournaments (GTs) are the new yearly competitive tournament system for global conventions and events. GTs represent the highest level of competition, where players can challenge themselves within their home region and beyond.
Grand Tournaments are available for all five AMG game lines:
• Star Wars™: Legion
• Star Wars: Shatterpoint
• Star Wars: X-Wing
• Star Wars: Armada
• Marvel: Crisis Protocol
Experience the epic clash of champions at Call to Glory 2025, a premiere 4th Edition Age of Sigmar Matched Play Event!
Over two thrilling days and five intense rounds, up to 250 valiant players will battle for honour and glory.
Behold as the Top 8 contenders ascend to a heart-pounding Day 3 Elimination Final!
At Call to Glory, we exalt every facet of the hobby, from crafting exquisitely painted and thematic armies to ensuring your opponents revel in an unforgettable experience, win or lose!
Join us for an unforgettable celebration of skill, sportsmanship, and sheer determination!
Friendly Fyre 2025 is a thrilling 4th Edition Age of Sigmar Matched Play DOUBLES Event!
Join us for an action-packed, one-day, 3-round event where up to 100 teams will clash for honour and glory.
At Friendly Fyre, we embrace every facet of the hobby, from crafting meticulously painted and thematic armies to ensuring that all participants have an incredible experience, win or lose!
NOTE: If you want to enter both AoS events, do NOT enter this event by itself. You can add this event to your AOS Call to Glory 2025 as an add on event.
If you want to enter this event as a stand alone event, click the buy ticket button.
If want to enter another two day event, as well as this event, the ticket page for the two day event will have this event as an add on.
If you have entered by mistake, email for help.
1100pts and an 18 dice cap
Your Country needs you to join Bolt Action’s first Narrative event at CANCON 25.
Don’t like competitive unrealistic match ups would you rather asymmetrical battles with a realistic objectives
Ideally, all entries will be grouped in to either European or Pacific or Asia or Mediterranean and time frame i.e. Europe Late war.
All entries can be a Company Commander or a Platoon Commander of Reinforced.
Your force can be made up from 1-3 platoon of the same nationality and time period. A maximum of two Armoured or Artillery Platoons per force up-to 1250pts.
On the 2 Jan 25 all players will be issued with orders and maps. They may also be allocated Air, Artillery or defences for each scenario.
As a commanders may want to advance rapidly to achieve their objective and attempt take the enemy by surprise! or advance deliberately ensuring they have flank and security. The choice will be up to you.
Lists provided prior to 15 November 24 will receive TWO extra supply trucks/Air drops.
List provided prior to 15 December 24 will receive one extra supply truck/Air drop.
“What’s a supply truck got to do with a Bolt Action Game” you ask! well join up and find out.
2025 Cancon Bolt Action Open will be run as a third edition event. It will be organised by Ian Underwood with assistance from Bryan Medbury and Julian Hughes. All three hail from Western Front Gamers in Sydney and have previous experience running Bolt Action events at either MOAB or Codswallop over the last couple of years.
Given the Sept 26th 2024 release date of Third Edition, the full player’s pack will not be released until Mid October – however the following details can be considered confirmed.
Event Details
2 day event
25-26 January 2025
$50 + $20 prize pool
Game Details
1100 Points
18 order dice cap
No duplicate platoon types (Rifle platoons excepted)
All other inclusions and/or exclusions will be detailed in the player’s pack
One day 400 point tournament on day three of Cancon. (Monday)
400 point fleets, pre-dreadnought battle squadrons only. No ships beyond 1914. Three games, best points differential wins.
Prize pool contains: Painted ships, Cancon trophy for the winner, Pez awards for best events, fleet boxes, new range rulers, acrylic aiming token sets and a Grand fleet t-shirt.
NOTE: If you want to enter both Broadside events, do NOT enter this event by itself. You can add this event to your Broadside 600 point Open as an add on event.
If you want to enter this event as a stand alone event, click the buy ticket button.
If want to enter another two day event, as well as this event, the ticket page for the two day event will have this event as an add on.
If you have entered by mistake, email for help.
A two day 600 point tournament on day one and two of Cancon. (Saturday and Sunday)
Five games,three games on day one and two games on day two. Six hundred point fleets.
Prize pool contains: Painted ships, Cancon trophy for the winner. Pez awards for best events, fleet boxes, new range rulers, acrylic aiming token sets and a Grand fleet t-shirt.
NOTE: If you also want to enter the “Broadside 400 point Pre-Dreadnought Limited” on Monday, select it from the options menu when you buy this ticket. Entering it by itself is more expensive.
7 Glittering Prizes:
Players’ Pack: LINK
Conquest returns to Cancon! 2000 points of Last Argument of Kings, playing the most up to date scenario pack and rule set as per the official Rules and FAQ page.
Click HERE for the player’s pack.
Dropfleet Commander 2.0
A tournament for all players keen to try out the new edition of Dropfleet
1250 Points. 2 Fleets (same faction) allowed.
Players Pack available here
The Flames of War Australian Nationals returns to Canberra once again!
Climb the tower of power to see who and what state will reign supreme once again, ohhhhh yeahhhhh!
The cream will rise to top.
But if scaling the Mountain of Madness of the competitive scene is not your thing, then no worries, there will be plenty of people to play with, have fun and throw dice against.
All skill levels are welcome from experience pros to first timers.
Loan armies are even available for people wanting to try before they buy!
100pts Dynamic Points Mid War, all official Mid War books.
Click here for the : Event Player’s Pack (Google Doc)
Mini Firestorm: Second Alamein
Join us for the Battle of Second Alamein on Day 3 of Cancon – Monday 27 January 2025.
This will be a three round narrative event as follows:
– Round 1 – resolved through tabletop games.
– Round 2 – map board resolution.
– Round 3 – resolved through tabletop games.
All players must utilise units that fought at the historical battle and prepare two lists:
– Standard List – 100 points.
– Out of Supply List – 75 points (single formation list and only played where a player is out of contact with friendly supply lines and rolls the reduction effect).
– Firestorm units will be assigned by commanders through the battle.
Forces must come from Afrika Korps, Armoured Fist or Avanti intelligence briefs only. No wildcards may be played. Allied players may not select any US allied options. German players may select Italian forces as allies and vice versa.
A commanding general will be selected/elected/voluntold from either side prior to commencement. The commanding generals are responsible for assigning battle sectors to players, and provision of additional firestorm support.
In addition to standard firestorm rules to be advised, environmental effects such as sandstorms may also occur.
Games will be 2.5hrs. Missions will be determined through battle plans.
Terrain is to be desert styled and community sourced.
All models must be painted and WYSIWYG as much as possible. It is a player’s responsibility to ensure understanding of ORBAT fielded.
Lists to be submitted by 15 Jan 2025.
Glory is Fleeting Napoleonic (formerly FOG N) is back for another fun filled tournament.
1000 point armies using Gif v1 rules and lists.
Please email lists to for checking by 13 January 2025.
Australia’s Infinity Nationals Event and possibly a sanctioned CB Satellite event.
Using the N5 Rules.
Lord of the rings MESBG Cancon 2025 (Doubles event), will be a 1 day optional doubles.
The doubles will be 1400 combined points.
Players pack is available here
NOTE: If you want to enter this as a stand alone event, proceed to the ticket link. If you want to add this to a Middle Earth Singles event ticket, enter via that event.
If you have entered any 2 day events already, (Including the Middle Earth singles event), send an email to to discuss access to the add on ticket link.
Lord of the rings MESBG Cancon 2025 (Singles event), will be a 2 day main event.
The main event will be 850pts.
Players pack is available here
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to also enter the Doubles event, select it as an add on to this event. (It will save you about $40.00)
Speed Flames – One Night Only! (Saturday)
No Late War Leviathans.
Late War – any book or digital list. Only lists with tracks and wheels. No infantry, vehicles with dismounts or ground-based artillery.
Lists to be forwarded to Ken Snell by 15 January 2025 to – Players may field both an Allied and Axis force to ensure Blue v Red battles.
65 points.
Three missions – games 60 minutes each, commencing from 6pm on Night 1 (25 Jan 2025):
Game 1 – Collison
Game 2 – Confrontation
Game 3 – King of the Hill
Terrain – to be played on same tables as the day FOW tournament.
Oathmark at Cancon 2025
– Two days
– Four games
– 2500 points
Team Yankee State of Origin 2025
Team Yankee will feature Dynamic Points and lists of 115pts.
No more than one formation of same type and to use latest books.
Maximum of 13 of any single vehicle type allowed.
For example, Iron Maiden British is replaced with V2 British lists.
Lists to be provided to no later than 17/01/2025.
Bonus VP for all lists provided on time and correct, preferably using Forces of War.
THE LARD ZONE – Your chance to play TooFatLardies games.
For the three days, all things Lard will feature at CANCON in the Lard Zone.
NOTE: Enter using the Cancon link, and then contact the event organisers for your specific game selections.
For available games and to book your place, see “LARD DOWN UNDER CANCON 24 – Games”.
Warhammer The Old World: The Old World Rises
Player pack: LINK
Come and play The Old World at Cancon on 25th, 26th, and 27th January 2025.
2400-point games with a player cap of 60. Legacy armies are welcome. No allies. The game will be scored by the 20-0 system, scored in the Best Coast Pairing app.
Painting is not a requirement for this event, though you will gain an additional 20 tournament points if your army is battle-ready and appropriately based.
There will be 2 games each day, totalling 6 games across the event, affording you time to enjoy the con whilst also playing.
Tickets are $81.50 each, with prize support going to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Best sports and best painted and, of course, the coveted wooden spoon.
At this early stage of the game, I am not looking at imposing any composition, though lists deemed un-interactive or overly oppressive will be asked to resubmit. Please consider the enjoyment of your opponent when designing your list.
If you can help out with mats or terrain, please let me know. Please email the address here:
Welcome to Warmachine at Cancon 2025!
Full tournament details are HERE.(Google share doc)
Please join the Warmachine Australia Facebook Group ( and the Warmachine Australia Discord ( to stay up to date with any additional announcements.
When buying your ticket.
Select the days you want to play, then
select the games for each day. (HINT: Do NOT select two games for the same day, or one will be randomly deleted.)
Warmaster Revolution is back, again!
Come sign up for 4 scenario based games of 10mm action in the Old World.
Armies are 2000 points, any manufacturers/design welcome.
Rules for this most excellent iteration of the rules can be found here: